Posted by: Clear Vision Cataract & LASIK Center

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If you’re exploring LASIK in Detroit, you may have heard about a newer procedure called SMILE flapless LASIK. But how does it compare to the popular LASIK procedure? Let’s dive into the differences to help you decide which option is right for you.

First, SMILE is NOT a dental procedure for whitening your teeth! However, after SMILE, you’ll be smiling a lot more—thanks to your newfound freedom from glasses and contacts.

What is SMILE?

SMILE stands for SMall Incision Lenticule Extraction. Think of it as a small-incision version of LASIK. The procedure uses the Zeiss Visumax femtosecond laser to create a small disc of tissue inside the cornea, which is then carefully removed through a tiny incision. The laser portion takes less than 30 seconds, and the whole process, including the removal, is painless and takes around 15 minutes per eye. Thanks to the small incision, recovery is quick—so you can get back to your life faster.

How is SMILE Different from LASIK?

In LASIK, a corneal flap is created with a laser, and then a second laser vaporizes the excess tissue. Both SMILE and LASIK reshape the cornea to improve vision, but SMILE only requires one laser, and no corneal flap is needed. This means a smaller incision and less disruption to corneal nerves, which can reduce post-procedure dry eye symptoms.

What Are the Advantages of SMILE?

  • Smaller incision: The tiny incision in SMILE preserves more corneal nerves, reducing the likelihood of dry eye after surgery.
  • No flap complications: Since SMILE doesn’t require a corneal flap, there’s no risk of flap-related complications—ideal for those with active lifestyles or high-impact jobs.
  • Fast recovery: Most patients are back to normal activities, including work, the very next day.
  • Comfortable recovery: SMILE offers a painless and quick recovery with minimal discomfort.

What Are the Limitations of SMILE?

  • Delayed vision clarity: Unlike LASIK, where vision improves almost immediately, SMILE patients may take 3-5 days to see their best results.
  • Fewer corrective options: SMILE is currently approved for treating nearsightedness (myopia) and astigmatism, but not farsightedness (hyperopia) or presbyopia. If you’re over 45 and experiencing age-related vision changes, LASIK may be a better option.

Are There Risks with SMILE?

As with any procedure, SMILE has some risks. We carefully screen each patient to minimize these, but potential side effects include:

  • Dry eye symptoms (less common than with LASIK)
  • Over or under correction, sometimes requiring a follow-up procedure
  • Night vision issues like halos or glare

Infections or inflammation are rare and treatable with eye drops.

What’s Recovery Like After SMILE?

After SMILE, you may experience mild blurriness for the first few days as your eyes heal. Discomfort is minimal, and you’ll be on eye drops for about a week. While strenuous activities should be avoided for 5 days, most patients return to normal life the next day.

Does SMILE Wear Off Over Time?

No, SMILE results are typically long-lasting. In rare cases, some patients may need a minor enhancement, but this occurs in less than 1% of patients.

Is SMILE Painful?

No, SMILE is not painful. We use numbing drops and a mild sedative to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Most patients find both the procedure and recovery to be pain-free.

When is LASIK a Better Option Than SMILE?

LASIK may be a better choice for:

  • Correcting farsightedness or very low levels of nearsightedness
  • Those needing custom treatments like Contoura Vision, which SMILE doesn’t offer

At Clear Vision Center, we offer both LASIK and SMILE to provide the best solution for your unique vision needs.

Which Procedure is Right for You: LASIK or SMILE?

The answer depends on your vision, lifestyle, and goals. During your consultation, our expert team will analyze your eyes and recommend the best option. Both LASIK and SMILE are safe and effective for the right candidates.

Ready for Your Next Steps?

If you’re ready to say goodbye to glasses or contacts, schedule a consultation at Clear Vision Center. Our team of the top LASIK surgeons in Detroit will help you determine whether LASIK or SMILE flapless LASIK is the right choice for your vision correction.

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