Cloudy Vision after Cataract Surgery?
Posted by: Clear Vision Cataract & LASIK Center

Have you had cataract surgery in the past, and are now experiencing some of the same symptoms you had prior to surgery? You may be developing a “secondary” cataract, or what we term a posterior capsule opacification (PCO). Anywhere from 30-50% of patients with a history of cataract surgery will go on to develop a PCO, generally 1-5 years after the initial surgery. This is caused by residual lens epithelial cells that remain inside the eye and create a cloudy membrane behind the lens implant. Common symptoms include glare while driving at night, blurred vision, and difficulty reading.
While mild PCOs can be observed, if it is impacting your vision you may be a candidate for laser treatment. This is a straightforward laser procedure that takes less than 5 minutes and can be done right in our office with our Ellex Super-Q YAG Laser. This treatment painlessly modifies the scar tissue that has developed behind your lens implant, and can greatly improve or eliminate the symptoms associated with the secondary cataract.
If you think you may have a secondary cataract and would like a further evaluation for a laser treatment, contact our office today at 248-710-2325.